
Funny illustration glossary
The generation that killed the napkin industry, but also invented avocado toast.

Millennials (Generation Y) are the demographic party born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. However, different sources can vary by a year or two (we all know it's all about the feeling, right?). They are the generation that follows Gen X and precedes Gen Z. Often called "digital natives", they grew up as technology, including the internet, cell phones, and social media, became more and more accessible.

Millennials are a significant and influential generation that has significantly impacted the workplace, consumer trends, and social values 1. They are now in their "adulting" era, with many holding management positions, becoming parents, and buying homes. Understanding millennials is crucial for businesses and organizations to effectively engage with this demographic as they are a significant part of the workforce and possess considerable purchasing power.

What are the key characteristics of Millennials?

Millennials are characterized by being technologically connected and comfortable using technology for both professional and personal purposes. They are also generally known for being empathetic, socially conscious, progressive, and values-driven. Millennials seek meaning and purpose in their work and personal lives, are team-oriented and collaborative, and value diversity. They are also ambitious, achievement-oriented, confident, and desire recognition.

How has technology shaped Millennials?

Millennials have grown up with digital devices and have had easy access to information from a young age. They are very comfortable using technology for communication, entertainment, shopping, and education. They are confident and use technology in all aspects of their lives. They are also cautious about their personal data and are well aware of the impact of technology on society.

What are some common values of Millennials?

Millennials value experiences and prefer spending money on travel, dining, and entertainment rather than material possessions. They also value authority, achievement, and influence, demonstrating a strong desire for control, success, and recognition. Additionally, they are known for being family- and team-oriented and value self-expression, social responsibility, and the environment. They desire to collaborate with brands as long as they believe their voice matters.