A page view is a metric that counts each web page instance being loaded or reloaded in a browser. This metric tracks the total number of times a specific page on a website is viewed, regardless of whether the page was loaded by a new or returning visitor. Each time a user accesses a page, even if it's a refresh, it's counted as a page view. Page views are a fundamental metric in web analytics, offering insights into how often users interact with a website's content.
Tracking page views helps understand how users interact with website content, what pages are most engaging, and the effectiveness of SEO strategies.
Page views count every time a page is loaded, while page visits (also called sessions) measure when a person arrives at your site from an outside source. A visit can generate multiple page views if a user reloads or revisits a page. However, one visit can encompass multiple pages. Visits track a user's activity, from when they first enter a website until they leave or become inactive.
Unique page views are the number of sessions during which a specific page was viewed at least once. For example, if a user views the same page multiple times within a single session, it's counted as multiple page views but only one unique page view.
Page views help marketers assess which pages are most popular, optimize content, and determine how effectively their marketing and SEO strategies drive traffic. They are a key performance indicator (KPI) for understanding audience interest and engagement.